How to report a complaint or incident?

Together, the hospital and Alcura  aim to ensure that you receive the best quality service possible. We are dedicated to patient care and always aims to provide an efficient and reliable service to our patients. However, we know that occasionally things can go wrong.

If this happens, we will try our best to put things right quickly and avoid the same thing happening again. We value your feedback as it allows us to improve the experience for yourself and other patients.

For further information, or to report a complaint or incident related to your homecare service, please contact Alcura’s Customer Experience Team directly.

To speak to our Customer Experience Team please use the following:



0800 980 0686 or

01604 433 500


Email address:



FAO Customer Experience Team

Alcura House

Brackmills Industrial Estate

Caswell Road



Frequently Asked Questions


Complaint about the treatment or care received in the hospital?

Firstly, if your complaint relates to any element of the treatment or care you have received within the hospital please refer to the hospital’s complaints policy for details of their complaints procedure and the patient support services available, such as the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS), to help you through the process.


What can I do if I have concerns about the homecare service provided?

Once you are registered with Alcura, you will receive a welcome pack that will include details of how to contact our Patient Services team. This team can resolve most issues quickly and informally over the telephone.

If you are not satisfied with the informal response from the Patient Services  team you can request a written response and your concern will then be handled  as a formal complaint. Your treatment will continue as normal during this process.


Can I talk to my hospital about my concerns?

If, for any reason, you would prefer to talk about your concerns with NHS staff at your hospital, you can speak to your doctor, nurse or any other clinical staff member by telephoning the relevant hospital department. You can also discuss any concerns during your routine clinic appointments


How can I make a Formal Complaint?


By telephone: Contact Alcura’s Patient Services team. They will take details of your complaint and guide you through the process.

In writing: If you prefer, you can send an email or a formal letter to Alcura using the contact details provided. Alcura may contact you when they receive your letter or email to ensure all the necessary details have been captured about your complaint and to guide you through the process.


What is an Incident and how can I report it?

We call some complaints ‘Incidents’ and we treat them in a formal manner every time, no matter how we find out about them. You can report any of these incidents  by contacting Alcura’s Patient Services team and they will guide you through the process. Below are examples of ‘Incidents’ that are routinely monitored:

  • Damaged medicines or medical device - Where a medicinal product is not of the expected quality or is damaged or unusable for any reason.
  • Patient safety incident- Where someone has experienced any type of harm resulting from using a medicine, medical device or clinical services provided by Alcura.
  • Adverse event– An unexpected medical occurrence which happens during treatment, irrespective of whether it is proven to be caused by the medication.
  • Incident involving a vulnerable patient– Instances when a child under 18 years of age or a vulnerable adult may have been put at risk of abuse or neglect.



What happens next?


Formal complaints will be acknowledged in writing within 3 business days, and you will receive a full written response within 30 business days, unless agreed otherwise.

This should include an apology, details of the investigation as well as causes and corrective actions. Your hospital will also receive a copy of this written response.

For certain incidents we are required to report information, with no personal identifiable data, to the appropriate healthcare regulators such as the Care Quality Commission (CQC), General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC), Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), Care Inspectorate (CI) or the manufacturer of the medicinal product.

Where harm has arisen from the use of a medicinal product, you will be asked if you are willing to share your contact details with the medicine manufacturer for them to be able to contact you to obtain more details if required.


Will my complaint be treated confidentially?


Your complaint will always be treated confidentially and will have no effect on the continued care provided to you by Alcura.


What is Duty of Candour?


In circumstances where an unintended or unexpected incident appears to have caused moderate to severe harm, we are obligated by regulation to inform patients or carers that this happened, regardless of whether you make a complaint or report an incident. This regulation is called ‘Duty of Candour’. You will be notified and given details of such an incident as soon as possible after it is identified and further information will be provided in writing following investigation.


What if I am not satisfied with the formal response?

Appeals Process


We will endeavour to ensure that a full response is provided to your complaint. You have a right to appeal against the response by contacting Alcura’s Customer Experience  Team if you feel that:

  • Facts provided are incorrect or misrepresented
  • Any element of your complaint was not addressed


A formal response to your appeal will usually be provided within 30 business days.


What if I’m not satisfied with the appeal response?

If you're still not satisfied with the response from Alcura, you can escalate your complaint directly to the NHS staff at your hospital, you can speak to your doctor, nurse or any other clinical staff member by  telephoning the relevant hospital department. If you wish to escalate your complaint to an external regulatory body, you can do so by using the below information


The Health Service Ombudsman


You have the right to take your complaint to the relevant Health Service Ombudsman. The service is confidential and free, but they will only consider your case if it has been thoroughly investigated by us and your hospital.

Find out more by visiting:


Other useful contacts

  • Care Quality Commission (CQC) – England and Wales



  • Care Inspectorate (CI) – Scotland



Head Quarters Address:

Compass House
11 Riverside Drive

Local Office Address:

Princes Gate
Castle Street


  • General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC)
